Sunday, March 20, 2011

March giveaway


I picked up this necklace while I was in Barcelona for one of my readers to win.  Do you have any idea how hard it is to pick something out when you don’t know who you’re giving it to?  Let me tell you, it’s hard.  But I got a similar one, so I figured I’d get something that I would wear and hope that some of you like it too.

So, if you want to enter my giveaway to win this necklace from Barcelona (it says Barcelona on the back), all you have to do is leave a comment and tell me what you’re most looking forward to.  It could be something tomorrow, it could be something three years from now.  I don’t care.  Just tell me what you’re looking forward to and why.  I’ll choose a winner on Saturday, March 26, so leave your comment before then!  Good luck!



Shelly said...

That is beautiful!

I am looking forward to my family vacation after my husband returns from this deployment. We are going to make many stops on the drive down and back, plus spend a week in Disney World. It will be so nice to watch my husband with our boys again, and we have lots of fun planned.

Anonymous said...

I love it too!

I am looking forward to moving to Georgia in May. I've got lots of things on my to-do list (like trips to Savannah and Disney/Universal).

Elsbit said...

Cute! I hope you bought yourself something too! *hint hint, pictures*

I am looking forward to meeting my second child.


Jessica Lynn said...

What a fun giveaway! I'm most looking forward to moving to Italy. It's all we can think about these days!

Rachel said...

I am looking forward to the cruise we have booked for next year, and in the more distant future, hopefully someday having a place with land to keep my ponies!!

Unknown said...

Ok, I didn't think it was fair for me to win an Italian gift during your last giveaway but the necklace is beautiful and I think it's fair if I win a giveaway made in Spain. :)

I would have to say I am most looking forward to Tyler coming home from his deployment, whenever that will be...and being together as a family again. I think it will be fun to see how different Cal is by then and if he's walking and/or talking!!

Fledgling Techie said...

What a sweet thing to do, hosting a giveaway! And it really is pretty...

I'm most looking forward to my trip to London with two of my good military spouse friends...and no kids!!!

Em said...

LIZ!!! WHAT?! This is the first I've heard of this. Congrats. But I'm hijacking, so I'm going to go find you elsewhere online.

Um ... I'm looking forward to this summer and having some time to spend with my husband.

Billie said...

I am looking forward to a time in our life when my husband is surrounded by people who know him, love him and bring him up. He deserves that.
I am also looking forward to my kids actually being healthy for longer than a day!

Lillie said...

Monica, It is so fun to read about all the happenings in your lives. I think the thing I look forward to the most is your next blog. I really enjoy you and who you have become. I love you.

Unknown said...

I am looking forward to my next doctor visit in May. I know it sounds crazy, but it's with good excuse. We've been trying for a year to get pregnant and with this next visit comes one more opportunity of getting there or for us to make our final decision of adoption. Either way, it's pretty exciting!

Dana K said...

I'm looking forward to my son's first birthday on 28 March!