Abbie has been extra screamy lately, which wears me out. She’s getting pretty good at walking by herself now, so naturally, that’s all she wants to do. Try to put her in the cart in the grocery store and it’s a full-on battle. Screaming, tears, kicking. *sighs* Two and a half weeks seems like a REALLY long time right now.
And when the guys finally do get back, Mark will have to work later than he normally does. During our usual routine, I obviously deal with Abbie all day while Mark is at work, but Mark usually gives her her bath, and he gives her her night bottle and puts her to bed. Those 20-30 mins that he has her are very nice for me. I don’t find myself counting the minutes down to her bed time as much when her daddy is here to help out. But he’s gone now, and then it’s a while of working late so he won’t be home to do her night time routine, and the another TDY. So between now and NOVEMBER he’ll get to do her night routine for maybe a week. Ugh. That wears me out just thinking about it.
But on a positive note, we’re going to Prague in August for a week. Mark’s been there before but I haven’t so I’m SUPER excited to see that. We’re going to drive, and it’s about a 8.5 hour drive. So researching everything there is to do in Prague should keep me occupied while Mark is gone.