Wednesday, May 17, 2017

Mother’s Day 2017

I wanted to say these photos for the future so I thought I’d put them on here.  Mother’s Day was sweet.  The kids did a lot to make it special for me and Mark usually does.  He got me an accupressure pad thingy to lay on to help with my headaches and neck tension.  Hopefully it’ll help us both.  Abbie gave me that cup and she totally didn’t understand at all why I laughed a little when I opened it.  I think in her mind it’s just a matter of fact that she’s my favorite.  Haha!  It made me laugh so hard I was crying because of the look of confusion on her face that I would find that even remotely funny.  Makes me laugh just thinking about it.  She’s so sweet.  Benji boy make me a little questionnaire thing at school and was excited to give it to me.



My little sweetie peas was adorable as usual.  That baby is damn near perfect.


And then there was trying to get Jamison to cooperate for a .5 second photo… Good God.  I don’t know what happened to my cute smiley little boy, but he’s a hellion now.  Luckily he’s still adorable, you’d just never know because I can’t even get a decent picture of him!  Here’s the progression of trying to get a photo with 4 little kids.  For your entertainment.


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