Thursday, September 10, 2015

Jamison at 4 months

Our little dude is changing so much these days!!  He’s getting really big to start with.  At his 4 month appointment he weighed 15lbs6oz and was 24.25” long and his head circ was 16.8”.  (For comparison, Abbie was 13lbs9oz, 25.75” and 16.1” and Ben was 14lb8oz, 25.75” and 17”.)  (Abbie at 4 months   Ben at 4 months)So he’s our heaviest baby at this age, but also the shortest?  I’m not sure I would write their lengths in stone because it seems as though it depends on how much you stretch them out and depends on the person doing it more than anything.  We’ll see what he is at his 6 month appointment.

Abbie 4 months Ben at 4 months IMG_6666

                   Abbie, Ben and Jamison at 4 months

Jamison smiles a lot now.  He’s usually a pretty happy baby, as long as he’s being held.  My babies just like to be held, which wouldn’t be too much of an issue if I had all the time in the day to hold them, but I don’t.  It is hard to renovate this house and try to keep it somewhat clean when I have a baby that wants to be held all the time.  I just keep reminding myself that these days are short lived.

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I was fully planning on waiting to introduce Jamison to solids until closer to 6 months, but he is VERY interested in food.  He watches us with rapt attention when we are eating and if we put him in his high chair while we are eating and don’t feed him anything, he gets pretty pissy.  We started out with a little bit of baby oatmeal.  The first time we fed him a real food (sweet potatoes), we put the bite in his mouth and he paused and then his eyes got really big and he wanted more.  I wish we had gotten it on video.  He grabs at the spoon and does baby crunches every time you give him a bite.  (Brings his knees up to his chest and then tries to grab your hand with him hands to keep the spoon in his mouth.)  We’ve never had a baby show this much interest in food so it’s been fun.  I try to only feed him some every other day and I try to only do a half of a jar of baby food at a time, but sometimes he’s not having it and then I make him an ounce or two of formula for oatmeal too.  He’s our little piglet.  I would like to start making his baby food myself (in all my spare time…) but we’ll see. I have a lot on my plate right now.

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Sleep is always an issue with my babies.  I’m just not blessed with babies that like to sleep a ton, which I am slowly coming to terms with.  At least I’m blessed with beautiful, healthy babies.  Jamison was sleeping HORRIBLY for a while – getting up every hour or so, but the past few nights he’s slept from about 9pm to 5am in his own bed.  Occasionally he’ll wake up and I give him his paci but he’s doing really well.  For a little while he was waking up between 6:30am and 7am and he’d be up for the day, which was a bit rough, but now I can bring him to bed with me and nurse him and he’ll sleep until 8am when we have to get up to get the big kids to school.  I just started giving him a few Hyland’s Teething Tablets before bed and I don’t know if it’s just a coincidence or what, but I’m about ready to by stock in that company.

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Jamison is still not a huge fan of his car seat, but he’s happier in it when he can see the big kids.  He likes the carriers more now and he loves to chew on anything he can get in his mouth.  He’s still a huge fan of his baths if the water is warm enough.  I need to do more tummy time with him, but he’s getting really close to rolling back to front.  He’s noticing the dogs more and more and seems to be taking in his surrounds more.  He loves it when the big kids talk to him and they are both so good with him.  He does little giggles sometimes, which are adorable, but we haven’t heard a big laugh out of him yet.  He’s really close though!


The scariest thing that happened this month was when I was looking at countertop samples.  I was standing by a rack with the tiles of quartz samples on it and had Jamison on the front of me in the mei tai.  One of the 4x8’ quartz samples fell off the top rack and somehow hit J in the head.  He SCREAMED bloody murder and I felt terrible and worried about him for the next day.  I kept checking to make sure his pupils were still reactive and that he didn’t show any signs of head injury.  He never did and he never even got a bump, but it scared the crap out of me.  Thank God nothing worse happened.


We love our little chunk!

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