Thursday, March 4, 2010

Sewing machine research

Still no words yet on orders because Mark’s email still doesn’t work.

I’ve been researching sewing machines like crazy and my dream machine would be the Husqvarna Viking Sapphire 835… But it’s like $1200.  So yeah.  I would also like the Bernina Aurora 440 QE, but that’s like $1800.  This weekend Mark and I are going to go to a bunch of sewing shops around here and look at them all.  Hopefully I can find a good beginner quilter machine for a lot less than that, that’ll last me a while.  I know a few of the features I want, but online research is hard.  Everyone has an opinion about everything and people lists the pros and cons of each machine and some people love them and some people hate them.  When you get such varied opinions on the same machine from people you don’t know (online), it’s hard to decide.  They all have their advantages and disadvantages.  Hopefully we’ll get a better picture of things this weekend.  Unfortunately we’ll have to go to about 6 different places to view all the different brands because most places only carry 1-2 brands.  It would be nice if they had many different brands in one location.

I’ll let you know what I find/buy.  I’m so anxious to start (continue) on this quilt.  I have all the pieces of fabric cut and pinned together and it’s sitting there in a pretty little pile waiting for me.  I did learn online how to bind a quilt yesterday so I’m super excited to try that.  Just watch, I’ll get all into this quilting thing and then we’ll get our orders and I’ll have to pack everything up and say goodbye to it for 2 months while it’s all shipped to Europe.  How much you wanna bet?

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